Sunday, May 10, 2009

Best Bars and Drinks in LA

Cocomero at Pizzeria Ortica
Photo Courtesy of Tangbro

Hello All,

I'm conducting a little survey for the best places to go for drinks and happy hours in LA. Please help me out by adding the places you'd take people for a night out. I'm looking for places with hip specialty drinks, great atmosphere, stellar bar food, whatever you think makes a good watering hole. My goal is to get a list of 100 at least.

Please leave your suggestions in the comments below.



  1. These places don't serve food but:
    1. Seven Grand: Mint Julep. And basically whatever they make is good.
    2. Tiki Ti: Missionary's Downfall is my fave, among other great tiki drinks
    3. The Varnish

    Places w food:
    STK: Green Intensity, uva caipirinha

  2. Rivera, Varnish, Seven Grand, Church & State, Copa D'oro all have fantastic drinks and are our go-to places. All should be avoided on weekends.

  3. I agree with Varnish. I'm a fan of the place.

  4. My favs:
    Copa d'Oro
    Fig (has a happy hour, literally. 5-6 but some good cocktails)
    Yea, thirdsy the Varnish
    Seven Grand

    Other LA spots that might be fun for the list:
    Tiki Ti
    Dresden Room

    Spots that are a miss:
    Cabo Cantina
    Hustons/Banderas (measured pours=no bueno)

    great idea for the list! sounds epic. looking forward to it

  5. Osteria Mozza - bourbon with lemon and fennel amazing!
